![]() | Fill in forms |
In this Node you create a form to gather information from your participant.
Copy the code snippet into your script
<node id="Fill_in_forms" type="Form"> <name>Fill in forms</name> <title>Details about the customer</title> <text>Complete the following</text> <fields> <field name="company name" text="Company name" /> <field name="family name" text="Last name" /> <field name="birth names" text="First name" /> </fields> </node> |
After copying it, make sure to do the following:
1. Make sure the node id is unique. Give it a name / number, or a combination of both. (here: Fill_in_forms).
2. You can give the node a descriptive name. (here: Fill in forms).
3. Change the title, it will visible on top of the screen. (here: Details about the customer)
4. Change the text, it´s an optional subtitle. (here: Complete the following)
5. Change the fields: The field name is the name of the database field. The text is the description appearing on the screen.
In templates you can use those fields. E.g. [flow:family name], which will be replace by the actual value.
Each node can end with a goto field. If there is no goto step, the script will automatically jump to the next node. You can add, just before the </node> the following code <goto>nextNode</goto>, where nextNode needs to be replaced by the node id.
Advanced: Drop Down |
Instead of a field with an open question, you can create a drop down field with multiple options. Add the following code somewhere between <fields> and </fields>.
Copy the code snippet into your script
<field name="gender" text="mister or miss"> <options> <option value=" "><text> </text></option> <option value="Dear Mr. "><text>male</text></option> <option value="Dear Ms."><text>female</text></option> </options> </field> |
In templates you can use those fields. In this example the field [flow:gender] which will be replaced by the actual value, 'Dear Mr.' or 'Dear Ms.'
Alternatively, you can use the Node Choice.
Advanced: Height and width of a field |
The height and the width of a field on the screen are predefined. But if you want to adjust them just add the parameters rows=" " and cols="
Copy the code snippet into your script
<field name="family name" text="Last name" rows="2" cols="60" /> |
Advanced: Prefill with data of your participant |
At the beginning of a meeting the data of the participant (contact person) can be entered. This data can be re-used in the script using the linkedField parameter.
Copy the code snippet into your script
<field name="family name" text="Last name" linkedField="contact:Family Name" /> |
Available fields of your participant are:
contact:Birth Names
contact:Family Name
Advanced: Mandatory fields |
You can make fields mandatory by adding mandatory="true". A mandatory field must be filled in before you can go to the next step.
Copy the code snippet into your script
<field name="family name" text="Last name" rows="2" cols="60" mandatory="true" /> |
Advanced: Additional line of text between or above fields |
A separate text line can be made by adding the field type rowWithtext.
Copy the code snippet into your script
<field name="header" text="Your details" type="rowWithText"> </field> |
Advanced: The appearance of the text |
You can make use of html in the text, or use the following code:
- Bold: place the text between **
- Italic: place the text between *
- Line break: add 7 ^^^^^^^
- Tab: use > (or >> for a double tab)
- Picture: use 
- Link: use [description](link)
Tip watch: Video: Create your own Script (basic) to create your first own Script.