Advisor: [user:Voornaam] [user:Name]
Date: [flow:date]
Participant: [flow:clientfirstname] [flow:clientlastname]
Email: [flow:clientemailaddress]
Phone: [flow:clientphone]
Position: [flow:clientrole]
Questions about the organization  
Can you tell us more about your company: [flow:ID_organization]
How do you contact your customers (or applicants) today: [flow:ID_customer_contact]
How can structured online meetings increase your success: [flow:ID_the_structure_question]
Are you prepared to drive the change in your organization: [flow:ID_the_guts_question]
Which license fits: [flow:ID_which_product]
In case "not yet", remarks: [flow:ID_not_yet]
Next online meeting: [flow:date2] at [flow:time2] Hours
Post session  
Is the product useful for the participant: [flow:ID_feedback]
What is the desired planning: [flow:ID_timelines]
Does it fit their budget: [flow:ID_budget]
Who else should be involved: [flow:ID_dmu]
Next steps to take: [flow:ID_roundout_actions]